Economic Development
The Highlands Economic Partnership serves Putnam, Jackson, Overton and White counties. Four Counties. One Goal. Prosperity. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for all citizens of Putnam, White, Jackson, and Overton counties by providing opportunities for businesses to grow and prosper. We do this through four major initiatives:
- Raising the median household income
- Filling open jobs
- Bolstering a workforce pipeline
- Strategically recruiting businesses that would meet an underserved industry need in our region.
We accomplish these four initiatives through eight impact programs:
- Highlands Training Center
- Financial Literacy Workshops
- K-12 Career Exploration
- Legislative Advocacy
- Industry Roundtables
- Targeted Career Fairs
- Business Retention and Expansion
- Highlands Leaders/YP Highlands
YP Highlands and Highlands Economic Partnership
The Highlands Economic Partnership provides an exciting and unique opportunity for K-12 students to explore their interests and passions. Through our innovative and hands-on immersive learning experiences in our eight industry clusters, students will gain valuable insight into the career paths that excite them and help them to discover their true potential.